Unconceivable! Put your tinfoil hats on, because we are going into '
crazy theory' territory today, folks! An
anonymous tip sent to
ToyFarce this week claims that the San Francisco based collectibles, toys and apparel brand
Super7 is actually
NOT related to the 2011 movie
Super 8, directed by J.J. Abrams and produced by Steven Spielberg. Obviously, take that with a grain of salt. Who comes up with such outrageous claims?
Here are
Super7 was founded in
2001, while
Super 8 came out in
2011. Clearly, Super7 was there
before, making it the prequel!
Super7 has produced collectibles and toys for several
sci-fi franchises (Metropolis, Alien, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Mars Attacks, Star Trek: The Next Generation,...) AND
monsters (Godzilla, Universal monsters, that 16" Mummy Boy), while
Super 8 is coined a "
Sci-fi monster movie".
Still thinking they're not related?
-Here is the biggest proof:
Super7 has made
Andre the Giant figures...
Andre the Giant was called "
the Eighth wonder of the world"... There is an '
eight' in
BOOM! Mic drop.

ToyFarce for more trustworthy news!
Super7 Super 8 ReAction figures, when?
More news at 11:00... So wait, is there gonna be
Super3,... as well?
*ToyFarce News is parody news for laughs and not meant to be taken seriously!
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