This hurts because it's all true, the Black Series team are on some good stuff. It's hardly even funny anymore, but still funny, but sad... I'm confused
I think the enlarged packaging is a real improvement. Bigger is always better, after all.
15 hours ago, yojoebro82 said:It's written as satire but it's actually 100% true.
I have yet to purchase the new price gouged Boba Fett, and I think $30 is just about the price point where I bow out of 6" buying.
Good to "Know" yourself =^)
You should be use to it......
Been doing it with "Potato chips" for years =^)
Worst part is theyre not stopping!!! Every new Boba Fett related figure is a deluxe suddenly!! Cobb Vanth? I mean, seriously deluxe with NOTHING but a couple guns and helmet?
extra money for extra air?! no thanks, imma plant my trees for extra air thank you very much xD, besides... when do my figures even need air inside the bo- oh... ooohhh.... they need to breath... (runs away)
It's written as satire but it's actually 100% true.
I have yet to purchase the new price gouged Boba Fett, and I think $30 is just about the price point where I bow out of 6" buying.
Ah yes, the screen accurate retool of Super Deluxe Boba Fett we know that well soon be getting!
I think its worth calling out that its also wasteful and environmentally irresponsiblefor Hasbro to use so much packaging just so they can put a mark up on popular figs they know fans want.
A lot of recent transformers such as SIEGE Shockwave, Astrotrain and Studio Series 86 Hot Rod are another example of this as well.
Something we definitely need to bring up at the next Q&As or else Hasbro is just gonna keep going with this to take advantage of fans.
And will continue to be while people keep buying.Sadly, there is no farce in this...
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